The Superior Court in Allen County, Indiana has set up a new display for Court information. The electronic Court docket display, which resembles technology you see at the airport, is located on the first floor of the Courthouse at the main public entrance. The docket display has been made possible by Court Improvement Grants from the Indiana Supreme Court. They were developed in partnership with Infax, a developer of custom digital display solutions, the Circuit Court, and the Allen County Clerk’s office.
The system displays names, schedules, and court room information on four screens. The fifth screen displays information about the Courts, such as maps, contact information, and room numbers. The display will show docket information and court basics for both Allen Circuit and Superior Courts. However, juvenile and mental health cases will not be displayed due to their confidential nature. Instead, people that need to participate in those types of cases will be directed to the correct room for guidance.
The new system has been implemented in order to simplify the process for citizens coming to Court. Judge Frances Gull says, “We have worked hard in recent years to make the Courts more user-friendly through technology. This is one more way to make the process more accessible to everyone.” The displays are similar to those in place at the Charles “Bud” Meeks Justice Center.
In addition, the Allen County Building Maintenance custom-built an attractive enclosure to house the system. It blends the new technology with the interior architecture of the historic Courthouse. Craftsmen hand painted the support columns to match the adjacent marble. In the future, the Superior Court would like to display similar dockets elsewhere as the budget permits. The Court would also like to add more information in other languages.