6303 Constitution Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
DIY Forms
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
Criminals Steal $37 Billion a Year from the Elderly
Older Americans Month 2018: Reinvent Yourself
Older Americans Month 2018: Give Back
Older Americans Month 2018: Be Well
2017 Alzheimer’s Facts and Figures
Older Americans Month 2018: Engage at Every Age
How to Respond When Someone with Alzheimer’s Wants to Go Home
Successfully Dealing with Difficult Dementia Behaviors
Stopping Unsolicited Calls, Emails, and Mail
Memory Box for Alzheimer’s Patients
Healthy Indiana Plan Gains Federal Approval
Know and Avoid This Year’s Tax Scams
RAISE Family Caregivers Act Signed Into Law
Why Married Persons Might Have Lower Risk of Dementia
Reaching Out: Using Technology to Reconnect with Your Family
America’s Seniors Have More Health Problems When Compared Globally
Risk Factors of Elderly Bruising
Holidays for Alzheimer’s Families
Lack of REM Sleep Could Increase Risk of Dementia